“I finally was just like, ‘you know what everyone else is doing it and everyone is getting great results so why am I not?’ So I did it.”
Find out how Daisy got motivated and committed to working on her body goals. Watch the video.
Video Transcript
Danita: I am late but I appreciate you so much for still jumping on and taking this time for me.
Daisy: Oh, no worries.
Danita: I have a few questions for you which are basically about you and your story. So the first one is, what problems and emotions are you experiencing before Booty Bands?
Daisy: Before Booty Bands, I lack motivation. Honestly, I had no support, really. Uhmm… no one was really there to help me out. You know, to get me started again. I knew what I was supposed to be doing but I wasn’t just doing it. I was being totally lazy. I was working a lot. I was working for a union that I really didn’t want to be doing. I wasn’t just happy where I was. I was living in Alaska, not where I wanted to live. Honestly, I ordered them back in November and I was, like, okay this is another gimmick and I started seeing everybody posting and it started to motivate me more and more. And then the more I got involved, the more I worked out, the more I used them. And then in March, I finally committed. I finally was just like, ‘you know what everyone else is doing it and everyone is getting great results so why am I not?’ So I did it.
Danita: You are responsible for your own actions. Wherever you’re at in your life, we are your companions and your secret. So come and discover Booty Bands and how you can live yourself again.
Danita Young
Danita Young is a personal trainer, qualified bikini competitor, model, dance instructor, coach, mentor. But do those titles really define her? Danita has gotten to where she is after going through some immense experiences in her life. In her journey, she has helped more than a 1000 women in becoming who they really want to be and seeing the positive results, Danita believes in reaching out to as many women as she can.